Resource Training & Solutions is excited to offer a series of programs and support to integrate career exploration and experiences within all content areas by collaborating with central Minnesota businesses, workforce centers, and our regional school districts. Our goal is to provide students with experiential learning opportunities that will give them the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce.
District Opportunities:
Innovation Grants:
The objective of this initiative is to provide every secondary student in our region with marketable skills through meaningful Career and Technical Education (CTE) opportunities, ultimately aligning with further education and careers that address the specific needs of our region’s labor market. Grants of up to $15,000 are available. Successful applicants from the first round of applications will be notified on or before December 22, 2023.
Mini Grants:
Grants of up to $5,000 are available to facilitate collaboration between schools, businesses, and/or higher education institutions. These collaborations aim to provide hands-on Career and Technical Education (CTE) exploration, exposure, and experiences for students in grades 7-12.
Teacher Externship:
The purpose of this Program is to bring career-based classroom curricula to life, while building a bridge between skill-based and knowledge-based education. Through this unique professional development opportunity, middle and high school teachers from our region will be selected to work side-by-side with an industry peer during a 3 to 5 day paid summer externship at a participating central Minnesota business.
CTE/Counselor Network:
These nearly monthly virtual network meetings offer opportunities for collaboration, professional development, and staying current on issues related to post-secondary planning and career development within the group.
SPARK STEM Conference:
The halls of the Wick Science Building on the campus of St. Cloud State University are buzzing with aspiring mathematicians, engineers, and computer programmers, engaging in a range of hands-on, experiential learning activities in the STEM fields. Designed for 3rd to 8th graders, this conference offers a unique opportunity for students to explore and immerse themselves in the exciting world of STEM.
District System Support:
Career Pathway Alignment:
We are excited to partner with districts to evaluate and enhance career pathways tailored to student and workforce needs. This initiative will utilize data and standards to help districts create a clear vision for career planning. Career pathway development in grades 5-12 allows districts to provide transparency, data-driven decision making, and students who are prepared to embrace their career path.
SLEDS Data Mentoring:
We partner with districts and organizations to refine your data for use in better serving your communities. Our mentorship program can help you answer local and regional questions related to your school district’s strategic planning and reporting, gauge the effectiveness of current initiatives, and includes information addressing goals of the World’s Best Workforce Report.
Please contact Alison Orgaard, CTE Manager with interest or questions.
CTE Programming/Licensure Support:
We are happy to work with districts and educators to support educators with program advisory boards, finishing CTE licensure, or aligning courses to established CTE pathways.
Please contact Alison Orgaard, CTE Manager with interest or questions.

For More Information
Alison Orgaard, CTE Manager

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This story was featured in volume 4 of our newsletter, The Central Connection. Click the link below to see what else was inside!