Making Connections to Share, Learn, and Grow Together!
Resource Training & Solutions is proud to offer a diverse range of premier networking opportunities tailored to the needs of our regional educators. This year, we are excited to present 11 specialized networks designed to cater to your professional growth. Connect and collaborate with colleagues from across central Minnesota to hone best practices, generate new ideas, and achieve better results. Our networks convene regularly, providing both virtual and in-person interactions throughout the school year.
Register today for one of our specialized networks!

CCN / DAC Network
The Curriculum Coordinators Network (CCN) and the District Assessment Coordinators (DAC) are two groups that often deal with similar issues. As a result, these almost monthly network meetings provide opportunities for these groups to collaborate, debrief updates, develop professionally, and stay current on issues facing schools and districts. Each meeting will have a facilitator and agendas designed by network members. Lunch will be offered at each meeting.
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Gifted & Talented Network
There is great diversity among learners in each school. It is the responsibility of educators to provide rigorous learning opportunities for all students. The Gifted/Talented Network works collaboratively around G/T identification tools, program planning, classroom strategies, and resources. This network supports those who are directing the learning for students whose needs extend beyond the core curriculum.
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Title I Network
The Title I network is designed to communicate federal and state legislation, policies and procedures related to Title I, and strategies/curriculum for intervention services. At the first meeting, participants will determine the topics the group would like to focus on for the remainder of the network dates.
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Technology Integration Specialists Network
The Technology Integrationist network meets five times per school year to discuss and collaborate on current issues in the area of technology as an educational tool. Sample topics discussed include technology planning, software and apps, student information systems, innovative implementation, policies, etc. This network is designed for those who support teachers in the integration of technology.
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Technology Coordinators Network
The Technology Coordinators network meets five times per school year to discuss and collaborate on current issues in the area of technology use within schools. Sample topics discussed include technology planning, e-rate, acquisition of hardware, student information systems, mobile communication devices, policies, etc.
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PBIS Network
Join your peers in exploring positive behavior interventions and supports. Whether you are a SPED teacher, a behavior coach/interventions, an administrator, or a general educator, this network is for you! Participation is complimentary, but registration is required. This PBIS network is facilitated by Erin Engness, PBIS Coordinator for the northern region. Shared leadership will be encouraged throughout the year as participants will be asked to provide input regarding topics, activities, etc.
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Mental Health Network
The Mental Health Network is for school + county mental health related positions to come together for cross collaboration, idea sharing, develop professionally, and stay current on resources that help students be successful in school, at home, and in the community. Mental health related positions include but are not limited to: social workers, counselors, psychologists, truancy, probation, and administration leading efforts in the areas of safety and social emotional learning.
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Counselor CTE Network
Welcome School counselors, CTE Coordinators, and Work-based Instructors. These almost monthly network virtual meetings provide opportunities within this group to collaborate, share ideas, develop professionally, and stay current on issues facing schools and districts regarding post-secondary planning and career development. Each meeting will have a facilitator and agendas designed by network members.
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School Nurses Network
Resource Training & Solutions is excited to continue to offer a School Nurses Network; an opportunity for you to connect and build relationships with other school nurses from around the region. Share ideas, stay up to date on issues facing schools, and develop professionally through CEU opportunities. Each meeting will have a nurse facilitator and opportunity for discussion on current topics related to health services and school nursing.
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Business Managers Network
The Business Manager Network has been designed to provide both new and veteran business managers a forum to learn, collaborate, network and grow professionally. The topics covered will be developed with input from the network members during the first meeting. Each meeting will have a facilitator and agenda with a presentation on one or two relevant topics followed by Q&A and work time for participants. Lunch will be offered at each meeting and space will be available before and after the meeting if network members would prefer to come early or stay later depending on work schedule and travel needs.
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School Resource Officer Network
Receive professional development and collaborate with colleagues across the central MN region. Topics may include but are not limited to: mental health, trauma, autism, self-care + peer support, partnership with Central MN Child Advocacy Center, and critical incident response. A MN POST credit will be offered on multiple dates
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For more information
Please contact Dr. Michelle Wang, Education Director at

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This story was featured in volume 3 of our newsletter, The Central Connection. Click the link below to see what else was inside!