Resource Training & Solutions is excited to offer contract nursing services across central Minnesota. This service is offered through a partnership between the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Service Cooperatives to build capacity of school nurses across our region.
Available Services:
Contracted Nursing Coverage
Our licensed school nurse is available to supervise your staff in the absence of a licensed school nurse in your district. Responsibilities could include training, support and supervision of health assistants, developing individual health plans and emergency care plans, being a liaison between school health staff, parents and primary care providers, and completing health screenings. Duties can be discussed based on your district’s needs.
Vision & Hearing Screenings
School Vision & Hearing Screenings are the most practical approach to identifying children in need of further diagnosis and treatment of impairment. Early identification and treatment can prevent or alleviate many of the problems that can have a negative impact on language and speech development, academic performance, and overall well-being. Screenings were overshadowed by the COVID related tasks that school nurses took on during the pandemic. We are available to assist in completing screenings, to give your students the greatest opportunity for learning.
Medication Administration Training
This training provides health services staff with a basic understanding of the procedures required to safely provide medications to students. Topics covered include medication orders, safe medication management, and basic administration of medications.
Emergency Medication Administration Training - Diastat/Epinephrine/Glucagon
This training provides health services staff with a basic understanding of safe administration of emergency medications to a student. These medications include epinephrine, diastat, and glucagon. Topics covered also include how to recognize situations when one of these medications is needed, and ways to support the student until emergency personnel arrive.
For more information on these services please contact Amanda Lamecker, Regional Licensed School Nurse.
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