Health & Safety
March 15, 2021

Healthy Buildings: Are Your Schools Ready for Students to Return?

We know there’s a lot to think about when it comes to students returning to in-person learning. Are your systems not working well? Do you need help to identify your building issues and how to fix them? The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) recently announced an extension of acceptable funding uses for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) funding. Prior to this announcement, other funding sources like Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF), Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER), and Long-Term Facility Maintenance (LTFM) didn’t cover these types of critical improvements.

Currently, Minnesota schools have spent less than 20% of the allocated ESSER II funds and can be spent through September 30, 2023. With this announcement, school districts have a huge opportunity to reduce COVID transmission in their facilities now, and in creating healthy buildings for generations to come.

These uses include projects for improving indoor air quality such as inspections, testing, maintenance, repairs, replacements, and upgrades. The following items can be included in these projects:

  • Mechanical and non-mechanical HVAC systems
  • Filtering and purification systems
  • Other air cleaning improvements including fans, control systems, and window and door repairs and replacements

The ICS team is ready, willing, and able to inspect, test, maintain, repair, replace, and upgrade your building systems. Stay tuned for more information from ICS on how to apply for this funding through an upcoming webinar series in Spring 2021. To learn more and to get started on ensuring your buildings are ready for your students and staff, reach out to Karen Klein at or (651) 728-1880.